Officers & Directors
Paul Mangan
Vice President
Phil Leslie
Ben Dickson
Mario Sagastume
Ron Bates
Phil Odom
Ron Sampson
Mitch 'Doc Kosoff
Vin Burdziuk
Inside this Issue
2005 Reunion Update
2006 2007 & 2008
Reunion Info
‘In the bunker’
Paul Mangan
Website Updates
Election Results
and More

Dues and membership renewal
Please return this form along with your $15.00 dues made payable to;
“Vietnam Era 2nd BN 1st MAR”
Mail to: Mario Sagastume 778 Silverado Estates Ct., Chico CA 95973
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________ City _________________State ___ Zip_______
Phone ____________________________________ Email address __________________________
Is this a renewal?___________
Yes! I wish to support 2/1 and enclosed is my dues of $15.00___________
Yes! I wish to receive the newsletter: _________
* Organization name (i.e. Golf, Foxtrot, etc.)________
* Years of service in Vietnam: _________
* (include nickname if your buddies knew you by that) _________

The Reunion 2005 Banquet was kicked off with the present- ation of the Colors
by the 4th Force Reconnaissance Detachment, Reno, Nevada.
In addition a somber Fallen Comrade
Ceremony was conducted in honor of our fallen brothers.
At the three day event we introduced something new by having breakout’ meetings, offered by representatives from the VA Medical Center as well as the Vet center.
2006 Reunion and Annual Business
Meeting announced, 2007-2008 and 2009 reunion dates and location approved.
The 2006 reunion will be held In Arlington, VA November 1-5. The host hotel is the Holiday Inn Rosslyn/Key Bridge. Room rates $85.00 per night double occupancy, (arrangements for additional occupants will also be available.) The annual Business meeting will be held on Saturday November 4, followed by the annual dinner Banquet that same evening. Speaker to be announced at a later date. With the success of the ‘breakout’ meetings during the 2005 reunion, arrangements will be made to have guest speakers give presentations on Thursday and Friday the 2nd and 3rd of November. For reservations call the Holiday Inn toll free number
1-800-368-3408. A special RESERVATION CODE: M-R-N has been provided by the hotel to assure the low room rate, so be sure to mention it when you call.
The following dates and location for future reunions were approved during the 2005 annual business meeting.
2007 Houston, Texas
November 8-12
2008 Oceanside/San Diego
November 7-11
2009 Washington, DC
Location to be announced at a later date.
Mid-winter Officers & Trustees dates
The Officers and Trustees will meet in Austin, TX the middle of March 2006 to develop an Operational Plan for the association. Suggestions on objectives or other thoughts on the Operational Plan content are welcomed. (See Presidents comments; In The Bunker)
Colonel Billy Duncan Speaks of MARINE DNA - Reno Nevada, October 2005
“Marines have their own DNA,” said Colonel Billy Duncan, 2/1 Battalion Commander ’67-’68, when he spoke at the 2005 Reunion Banquet on Saturday October 29.,2005. Noting that every Marine has the same common denominators, our training, our dedication to our country and our Corps; all that makes Marines different................
“It’s not skin color, ethnic background, religion or other factors. Our shared DNA is having earned the title of Marine.”
‘Texas Pete’, (Colonel Duncan’s radio call sign as Battalion CO), told the assembled 2/1 Marines, their families and friends.
He pointed out that throughout the history of the United States Marine Corps, stories have been told about the difference between Marines and others, On Iwo Jima, it was said of the Marines, '...uncommon valor was a common virtue....'However, that uncommon valor has been a part of the Corps since its foundation on November 10th, 1775. For the past 230 years, each generation of Marines, "The Old Breed" or "Old Corps" passes on to the next generation the Esprit de Corps, which sets the Marine Corps apart from other military units. Esprit de Corps is the motto of the Corps and means being faithful to God, Country and Corps. However, it is more than a slogan or motto – Marines and Corpsmen are a proud bunch and pride themselves on being able to accomplish the mission, in garrison or combat, even under the worst of circumstances. And so it is with us, today's "Old Breed". Whether we volunteered or were drafted, whether we were in for a short time or a career, before we left the Corps, each of us instilled a little bit of that Esprit de Corps with the new breed - and the cycle continues.... The Air force Chief of Staff would never be called: Airman, The Chief of Naval Operations would never be called: Sailor, The Commanding General of the Army would never be called: Soldier, BUT! The Commandant of the Marine Corps is Damn Proud to be called: MARINE!!
Minutes of the Annual Meeting (annotated)
Presidents Report: Paul outlined his vision for the organization 1. Create an operational plan to direct the organization and provide guidance to accomplish its goals. 2. Increase public awareness of the organization. 3. Find other brothers through the use of technology, and increasing ways for them finding us. 4. Create a team to gather information and document the history of the unit to build an historical archive of the unit and its people. 5. Help brothers in need, families of MIAs and KIAs, and survivors of brothers who are deceased. 6. Ensure financial security for the organization.
Treasurers Report by Treasurer Mario Sagastume: The net income after expenses for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2005 is $1236.52. Issues concerning the PX, such as vendors, inventory, and shipping, are being explored and resolved.
Following a discussion of membership issues, Mario responded that: . Membership records are being checked and updated. . Mario has the membership updates. Members are requested to pay dues. Members who are unsure as to status of payment of dues should be encouraged to pay dues anyway. Credit will be given as the membership records are updated.
Nomination & Election of Officers and Trustees Gene Cusiti, Ron Sampson and Doc Mitch Kosoff were elected to the Board of Trustees.
Old Business: The President reported on the potential affiliation with the 1st Marine Division Association. Under the 1st MARDIV bylaws all our members must join 1st Marine Division Association, which is both impractical and conflicts with our own by-laws. After discussion , it was determined that we will not join the First Marine Division at this time.

2005 Annual Business Meeting
Website update: Vinnie Burdziuk, Webmaster
We had a very successful year for our website. Many of you submitted hundreds of pictures and dozens of articles to share with our members, family, and friends. We had so many in fact, that I was unable to get them all posted before the end of the year. Believe me, this is a good thing. We constantly need new submissions to keep our site interesting, so those surfing the web will keep coming back.
We are the largest organizational website on the internet. And here are the facts. Total Size: 234 MB (245,918,600 bytes) in 11,497 files in 56 folders. Pictures: 4,380. Stories: 100 plus. Also, we have useful links, resources, graphics, awards and dedications. Visit our website, you will be glad you did!
IN THE BUNKER A message from the President
Happy New Year Marines, Corpsmen, families and friends! We have a big year ahead of us and lots to do and I call on all of you to let us know what ideas you have to help make our Organization grow and survive. Our 2005 reunion was a big success thanks to all who attended. Special thanks to Colonel Billy Duncan and his lovely and gracious bride Arlene for their participation and comments.
In mid March, your officers and trustees will meet to create an Operational Plan for the Vietnam Veterans of the Second Battalion, First Marines and it is important for us to have as many suggestions and recommendations as possible. Send your thoughts to me via email at, or mail them to me at P.O. Box 12098 Des Moines, IA 50312-9402.
Elsewhere in this Newsletter is the information on the 2006 Reunion and I want to encourage as many as possible to try to be there. Every year our reunions get better, and this years should be the best one yet. The hotel is located within walking distance to the Metro train into DC and less than a half mile from the Iwo Jima Memorial. As we have done in the past, arrangements can be made to help some of our less fortunate brothers reduce their cost by making available a list of brothers looking to share the cost of the hotel room or travel for those who are driving.
Please plan on being there November 1 – 5, 2006. See you in D.C!
Semper Fi, Paul Mangan, Foxtrot ’65-‘66

Author Michael Archer signs a copy of his book, "A Patch of Ground: Khe Sanh Remembered," while meeting with three Vietnam War veterans, (left to right) Rick Nielson, Mario Sagastume (2/1 Fox Co 1967-1968) and Don Bravo, during a book signing Saturday at Barnes & Noble.(Jason Halley/Enterprise-Record)
Help Needed - on Charles D. (Chuck) Reydel - 2/1 1967
Today I found your web site. Thanks for keeping alive the memories and experiences of so many great Americans. Unfortunately, I am reporting the death of a 2/1 vet. He served as a platoon leader and was severely wounded in the autumn of 1967. It was either October or November of '67. His name was Charles D. "Chuck" Reydel. He was my cousin.
After being wounded Chuck spent the next year of his life in the St. Alban's veterans' hospital on Long Island. He got out of the hospital in the autumn of 1968 and wore a brace on his leg for the remainder of his life. Much of his lower leg right leg was missing. Never once did he voice a regret about his Vietnam experience. Most of all he loved the Marine Corps and carried his 1967 ID card in his wallet until he died. He died in December of 2003.
He was an inspiration to me in several ways. I eventually joined the Marine Corps after college and retired in 1999 as a Lieutenant Colonel.
Is there a way that I can find out what company he was in while serving in 2/1? Before I ask the Marine Corps, I thought that I would look for a 2/1 veterans organization to see if they might have the answer. I found your site this afternoon. Perhaps you can help.
609-620-7678 Cell: 609-306-9336