- *With apologies to missing Corpsmen, this list includes only those clearly identified in our database records as serving with 2/1 as a Doc. But there are many members who are not identified as one of our revered Corpsmen. And, just as we strive to do on our Wall of Honor, we want to have all our extraordinary heroes listed here for all the world to see.
- If you served your Marines as a Corpsman and your name is not in the above list, please take the time to write and tell us to get off our butts and add your name. It will be our honor to do so. If you know of any Corpsmen buddies who are not on this list, you owe it to them to let us know so that we can include everyone.
- Semper Fi, and all honor to you great men!
A Corpsman's Prayer
Grant me, oh Lord, for the coming events;
Enough knowledge to cope and some plain common sense.
Be at our side on those nightly patrols;
And be merciful judging our vulnerable souls.
Make my hands steady and as sure as a rock;
when the others go
down with a wound or
in shock.
Let me be close, when they bleed in the mud;
With a tourniquet handy to save precious blood.
Here in the jungle, the enemy near;
Even the corpsman can't offer much lightness and cheer.
Just help me, oh Lord,
to save lives when I can;
Because even out there
is merit in man.
If It's Your will, make
casualties light;
And don't let any die in the murderous night.
These are my friends I'm trying to save;
They are frightened at
times, but You know
they are brave.
Let me not fail when
they need so much;
But to help me serve
with a compassionate
Lord, I'm no hero -- my
job is to heal;
And I want You to know Just how helpless I feel.
Bring us back safely to camp with dawn;
For too many of us are already gone.
Lord bless my friends If that's part of your plan;
And go with us tonight, when we go out again.
Author Unknown
Woods, Jerry Unknown Unknown
Amos, John Golf '65-'66
Bailey, Lani Hotel '67-'68
Byars, Steve Echo '65-'66
Chamaj, Andrew P. Echo KIA '66
Cochran, Milton WIA Hotel '67-'68
Crossman, Ken Echo '69-'70
Crutcher, Terry L. Golf / Hotel KIA '69
Dalsin, Edwin Hotel '68-'69
Daniello, Ralph WIA Hotel '67'68
Decker, Robert H. Hotel KIA '67
Dennis, Mark V. Echo KIA '66
Eichler, Wilbur Foxtrot '68-'69
Falls, William Hotel '68-'69
Filisky, Jim Golf '67-'68
Firmneck, Allan P. Foxtrot KIA '67
Gallagher, George F. Hotel KIA '67
Glass, Ray Foxtrot '69-'70
Groshong, Allen E. Foxtrot KIA '68
Hale, Sam Foxtrot '70-'71
Harper, Steve Hotel '66-'67
Harter, Mike Hotel '68-'70
Haese, John Hotel '69-'70
Hill, MichaelWIA Fox-Hotel-H&S '67-'68
Horner, Jack Golf '66-'67
Johnson, David Hotel '67-'68
Kosoff, Mitchel A. H & S '68-'69
Lamont, John Foxtrot '69-'70
Leeper, Merton Golf '66-'67
Lough, John Hotel '70-'71
Mathias, Gary L. Foxtrot '68-'69
McNulty, William F. Golf KIA '70
Menard, Douglas F. Golf KIA '69
Molnar, David WIA Echo '68
Murray, Brian Foxtrot '68-'69
Pipkin, Michael A. Foxtrot '68-'69
Riehl, Harlan C. Fox/Echo KIA '66
Ross, James C. Golf '65-'66
Sadorra, Rick Golf '69-'70
Sanville, Ernest E. Golf KIA '68
Shaffer, Kenneth Golf '69-'70
Schultz, Steven O. Golf KIA '66
Shultz, Eddie Foxtrot '67-'68
Shand, Robert J. Hotel '69
Slater, Jerry Echo '67-'68
Spenelli, Dennis A. Echo KIA '69
Steward, Patrick Hotel '66-'67
Titleman, Alan Foxtrot '69
Turner, Michael Echo '66-'67
Tyner, Charles A. Golf '68
Gillette, Dale Foxtrot '69-'70
Gesell, Larry Foxtrot '69-'70
Fontenot, Chester J. C. Hotel KIA '68
Gelinas Jr, Gerard H. H & S '69-'70
Turner, John W. Echo '67-'68
McKee, Larry Golf '69-'70
Taylor, Warren Echo '68-'69
Wilkinson, John Echo '68-'69
Wershiner, George J. Golf '67-'68
Duke, Edward C. Foxtrot '66-'67
Sturiano, Jack H&S '68-'69
Sanderson, Larry W. Foxtrot '65
Counce, Donald E. Foxtrot '65
Dork, Richard Foxtrot '65
Tallon, Dennis Foxtrot '65
Van Brunniese, Cornelius Foxtrot '65
Venditti, Rodney W. Hotel '70
Tharp, Terry E. Echo KIA '69
Best, Joseph P. H&S '65
Lyles, Samuel Echo '69-'70
Morgan, Tom Hotel '69-'70
Barbour, Jim WIA Hotel '67-'68
Blouse, James L. Echo '67-'68
Cummings, H. Echo '70
Campbell, "Porky" Fox '67-'68
Casteel, Steve Hotel '67-'68
Delusia, Samual Hotel '68-'69
Isler, Reid Allen Hotel KIA '68
Peters, Jon WIA Foxtrot '68-'69
Perry, S. L. Unknown '68-'69
Tiekamp, Rick Unknown '68-'69
Griffin III, James Allen Golf - H&S '69-'70
Mosley, Bernie Jack Foxtrot KIA '68
Roberts, Dennis Hotel '69-'70
Slone, Oscar A. Golf /Fox '66
Loy, James R. Foxtrot KIA '68
Shields, David W. Golf '66-'67
Rogers, James L. Hotel '70-'71
Champagne, Mike Foxtrot '67-'68
Fleming, Paul M. Hotel '67-'68
Gonzalez, Dennis Hotel '67-'68
Ferguson, James Dale Hotel '71
Askin, James F. Fox KIA-'66
Miller, Michael Golf '67-'68
Scofield, Marvin Golf & Hotel '67-'68
Saylor, Terry Unknown '67-'68
Mathus, Chief Unknown '67-'68
Willis, Clayton Hotel '67-'68
Stone, Jack Hotel '68-'69
Delgiorno, Michael Echo '68
Ingle, Nathan Lamar Foxtrot KIA '70
East, William (Bill) Golf '69-'70
Wright, Larry Golf '69-'70
Skladzien, Stephen Golf '69-'70
Stultz, Michael H&S? '68-'69
Myers, John David Hotel '66-'67
Erceg, John H. Hotel '69-'70
Smith Sr, James T. H&S '68-'69
Scott, John A. Foxtrot '67
Ellis, Ernest WIA Foxtrot '66-'68
Gress, Roger Echo '70-'71
Asherman Jr, Aldon Mackay H&S '66
Beck, Milton A. H&S '66
Bowman, Jerry D. Unknown '66
Bratka, Jon E. Unknown '66
Bridges, John M. Unknown '66
Bet, Ronald L. Unknown '66
Cavender, Milton N. Unknown '66
Cockerham, Brian M. Unknown '66
Coffey, Jr, Michael S. Unknown '66
Crane, Thomas E, H&S '66
Crumley, Edmund J. H&S / Hotel '66
Waddle, Everett B. Unknown '66
Zickefoose, Monzell R. Unknown '66
Sanders, Lawrence B. H&S '66
Shoemaker Unknown '66
Slone, Arthur A Unknown '66
Stinson, David D. H&S '66
Stoner, Harry T. Unknown '66
Strickland, Terry L. Unknown '66
Perez, Herman Foxtrot '67
Peterson, David L. Unknown '66
Pirnique , Allen S. Medical Officer '66
Orr, Terry W. Unknown '66
Norris, Little D. Unknown '66
Norris, Michael J. H&S '66
Musick, Robert W. Unknown '66
McCombe, Richard T. Hotel / H&S '66
Mumley, Jr. Reginald E. H&S '66
McKenzie, Franklin C. Echo '66
Kehoe, Dale Echo & CAC '66-'67
Kramer, Frank A. H & S '66
Lauver, David J. Golf '66
Dammeier, Jerry L. Unknown '66
Daw, Cecil E. Unknown KIA '66
Deluca, Anthony W. Unknown '66
Feil, Joseph E. H&S '66
Fuller, Floyd W. H&S '66
Gibson, Clarence L. Unknown '66
Gower, Kenneth H. Unknown '66
Greding, Robert B. Unknown '66
Handley, Thomas B. Chaplin '66
Hill, Jr, Jack C. H&S '66
Hoedl, Larry L. CAC #2 '66
Phelps, Otis L. Echo '70-'71
Swift, John H. Golf '70-'71
Bernardo, Daniel Hotel '68-'69
Lepley, Steven W. Fox '71
Phelps, Colin Foxtrot '68-'69
Frates, Robert E. Golf '68-'69
Cichowlas, Edward J. Foxtrot '69-'70
Ramsey, John Foxtrot '69-'70
Velte, James Foxtrot '69-'70
Merriman, John A. Hotel & Bn Aid '66-'67
Karcher, Donald L. H & S '66
Earl "Toothpick" Foxtrot '68
Peters, Jon WIA Foxtrot '68-'69
Prchlik, William C. Golf KIA '70
Shuck, James Michael Echo '70-'71
Turner, Tommy J. Hotel '66-'67
Brookshire, Ron Golf '67-'68
Dew Jr., James C. Fox '70
Evins, Gary CAC/CAP Delta-6 '66-'67
Garcia, Raymond P. WIA Foxtrot '69-'70
Gilliland, Perry Dennis H&S & Echo '66-'67
Miller, Doug Echo '69-'70
Jenkins, Bob Echo '69-'70
Raney, Jerry L. Golf '70-'71
Mosbaugh, Ronald C. WIA Hotel '66-'67
Kohlmeyer, James W. Golf '68
Harmon, Charles D.Golf '67
Broadus, Robert B. Golf '68-'69
Greene, Alan Hotel WIA 4-68 '67-'68
Pappano, Robert Golf '68-'69
Farrell, Don Hotel '69-'70
Burt, Grady B. Hotel '69-'70
Van Nice, Bob Golf '71
Kammerer, Earl R. Fox '69-'70
Heitzenrater, Gerald Golf '70-'71
Hickman, James Foxtrot '67
Johnson, Gary C. Echo '69-'70
Duker, William C. CUPP '70