Merton D. Leeper (DOC) HM3
with 2/1 Golf from Jan of 66 to Jan of 67.
I am medically retired from injuries suffered during Operation
Hastings, close to the DMZ.
Those who served along side of me will remember me because I
carried no side arm, only a carbine with a selector switch, 1000 rounds in
bandoliers and all the grenades I could handle -- plus my medical bag.
I am so proud of my service with the Marines and 2/1 that I have a
special USMC license plate which is only issued to those who could prove
service via DD-214 with the U.S. Marines.
Name: Merton D.
Leeper (Doc)
Rank: HM3
Unit: G
Company, 2/1 (But filled in as needed with E & F). There was a time
when two
Corpsman together went down in a chopper and perished. I think
they were from
F Company.
I filled for a few days here and there until a new corpsman came in to
the unit.
Date: January 1966
- August 1967. In
Vietnam Photo with Description: Will forward these as soon
as they are found and will send a
current photo.
Stories to Share:
I have many that I wish to share that relate to Operations New
York and Hastings;
our unit being dropped into an unfriendly area to protect a downed
chopper and another time to protect a tank that threw a track. In each
case, we were surrounded and attacked;
then the ambush out of Phu Bi when the moon was full and my squad
kept real quiet because on a close horizon we saw a huge number of Viet Cong or
North Vietnamese Regulars crossing a hill top one by one in the moon light - it
was really eerie;
or the time in operation
I was one of two corpsman (that I know of) that carried an M-1
carbine with a selector switch and lots of ammo and grenades. The 45 side
arm went away fast because on one of my first patrols I was shot at and figured
I did not want to be a target because of the 45 sidearm.
My military experience was nearly all spent with the Fleet Marine
Force and 2/1 except for training and a six month assignment to the
Only recently have I been able to answer questions about
Semper Fi,
Merton 'Doc' Leeper
G Company, 2/1