Hope to see you all at our Vietnam Veterans of 2nd Bn 1st Marines Reunion : Vin@FirstMarines.org

Vietnam Veterans of the 2d Battalion 1st Marines, Inc.
DC 2025 Reunion
Arrive July 9 - Depart July 13

Reunion Itinerary:

• Registration commences on Wednesday July 9, 2025
Have Birthday Cake Ceremony at the Hospitality Suite that night.

Reunion Itinerary:

• Thursday July 10 – Leave 9:30am for excursion to the National Museum of the Marine Corps. We will have a Ceremony at our Monument. Sing Marine Hymn, Play Bagpipes & Moment of Silence.
Visit the museum and have lunch at the museums Devil Dog Diner or the Tun Tavern. Leave museum 1:30pm to visit the VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL (The Wall).  

• Friday July 11 – The Ladies Luncheon at 11:00am to 1:00pm.
6:00pm we will board buses for the Evening Parade at Marine Barracks.

• Saturday July 12 – Annual business meeting from 1000 – 1200 hours. (On your own rest of day)
Banquet happy hour will begin at 1700 hours and the banquet room is open for seating at 1730 hours with the banquet agenda beginning at 1800 hours. (We will have Quilt of Valor Presentations).

• Sunday July 13 – Reunion Ends