Jim Kirk & Gunny Ermey
Jim Kirk & Harvey Kitel
Brian Lusebrink 1970
1st Hotel Reunion 1984
Tom Eagan 1967
Tom Eagan 1968
Paul Stevens - Fox 2/1
Get your pictures out of the closet, attic, or photo album and submit them to 
Vin@FirstMarines.org so you can share them with your fellow Marines...
Tom Holloran, Salutes at
Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Doc Johnson Hotel 67-68
Mario Sagastume - Fox 67
Lcpl Elbert "Butch" Gatlin
Golf 2/1 1966
Doc James Allen Griffin III
Vin Burdziuk - H&S 2/1
Louis Collins - Echo Co  1969
Merton 'Doc' Leeper HM3
Golf Co 1966 - 1967
Dave Stromire & Louis Collins
Echo 2/1 1968-1969
Tom Holloran & Jim Kirk
Dave Stromire - Echo 68-69
Chuck Thompson Fox 68
Reuben Ed Diaz Echo 70-71
Ken DeHass  H&S 70-71
Moving Wall Aug 2006  
Doc Ferguson - Hotel 71
Russ Wiesley & Lafe Ingram 1969
Bryan Davis Hotel 1969 submitted Medevac orders
for September 19, 1969
Doug Scrivner 1968-1969
Doc John Erceg Hotel 69-70
Bob Miller & Duffy DuFriend 1968
Emilio A. De La Garza
  Echo Co  Medal of Honor Posthumously
Sgt John Jay Ace
Fox Co 1967
Al Schierle - CUPP UNIT
Echo Company 70-71
Doc Otls Phelps
CUPP Unit - Echo 70-71
Doc John Swift - Golf 70-71
Sgt Robert Skiner
Echo Company 70-71
Doc Steve Lepley - Fox 70-71
Dave Stromire Personal Pictures
Doc Mike Shuck
James Michael Shuck
Echo 70-71
Doc Tommy Turner - Hotel 66-67
Richard Babcock - H&S 67-68
John H. Whitney - Golf Co. 68
Kevin Bolender - Golf 68-69
Charles Hilton Jr
Hotel Co 2d Plt 1967
Doc Ron Bobele - Echo 69
Doc Mosbaugh - Hotel 66-67
Doc HM3 Grady Burt
Hotel 69-70
2nd Lt Jim Kyle
2nd Plt Echo Co 69-70
HM2 Earl R. Kammerer
Fox 2/1 4/69-3/70
Photo:  Base camp sick bay, near Marble Mountain .Served as a Navy Corpsman 1966 to 1970, 3 of those 4 years proudly served with the
Marines,  last year outside of DaNang.
HM3 Gerald Heitzenrater
2/1 Golf Co. June 70 - April 71
SSgt Thomas "Stormy"-Matteo Fox Company
Corpsman Terry Gaylord
H&S 1966
Lafe Ingram - Golf 2/1 KIA May 5, 1969
Ron Zito & Gary Rosen
Hotel Company 1968
0331 Machine Gunners