The Secretary of the Navy takes pleasure in presenting the

For service as set forth in the following


"For meritorious service while serving as a Squad Leader with Company G, Second Battalion, First Marines, First Marine Division in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam from 15 July 1968 to 3 June 1969. Throughout this period, Corporal Bolander performed his duties in an examplary and highly professional manner. Working tirelssly and with meticulous attention to detail, he expeditiously accomplished all assigned tasks and consistently provided his unit with outstanding support. Participating in two major combat operations and in over two hundred combat patrols, he boldly exploited each contact with the enemy to the maximum extent as he skillfully maneuvered his men to inflict numerous casualties upon hostile forces. On 21 March 1969 the Second Platoon of Comany G was manning a tower, when two tanks patrolling the road below came under a heavy volume of enemy small arms and rocket propelled grende fire. Rapidly assessing the seriousness of the situation, Corporal Bolender unhesitatingly organized his Marines into a repelling force to provide protective cover for the tanks. With complete disregard for his own personal safety, he then raced accross the fire-swept terrain to the lead tank which had been immobilized by hostile grenade fireand pulled the seriously wounded driver to safety. Ignoring the hostile rounds impacting near him, he secured a landing zone, and requesting helicopters, ably directed the medical evacuation of the casualty. As a result of his diligent and resourceful efforts, the operational effectiveness of his unit was greatly enhanced. By his initiative, superb professionalism and loyal devotion to duty, Corporal Bolender earned the respect of all who served with him and upheld the finest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service."

The Combat Distinguishing Device is authorized.
For the Secretary of the Navy
Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps
Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force Pacific