"For extraordinary heroism as an automatic rifleman with the Second Platoon, Company E, Second Battalion, First Marines (Reinforced), Third Marine Division, in the Republic of Vietnam on 28 February 1966. Engaged in a sweep of the Phu Thu Peninsula near Phu Bai, the Second Battalion became heavily engaged with a hardcore Vietcong battalion. Private Ray was assigned to one of the assault platoons with the mission of securing a complex bunker system located in a tree line. His squad was able to move through an intense hail of hostile fire up to a point approximately thirty meters from the tree line before being completely pinned down by a Vietcong machine gun, which was concentrating all of this fire on the squad. Realizing that many of his fellow Marines would be killed if that machine gun position were not knocked out, Private Ray called to his squad to cover him. With complete disregard for his own safety, he jumped to his feet and personally assaulted the machine gun position, yelling and firing his automatic weapon. About ten meters from the machine gun bunker, he received three serious wounds that caused him to fall to the ground. Once again, with extreme personal courage and a high degree of valor, he struggled to his feet and moved the remaining distance to the bunker where he succeeded in silencing the deadly enemy machine gun. As a result of his extraordinary and inspiring valor, Private Ray saved his comrades from injury and possible loss of life, and enabled his platoon to seize and hold this vital part of the battalion objective. His bravery and selfless devotion to duty upheld the highest tradition of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
He gallantly gave his life for his country.