The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the

For service as set forth in the following


"For heroic achievement in connection with combat operations against enemy forces in the Republic of Vietnam while serving as a rifleman with Company H, Second Battalion, First Marines, First Marine Division on 18 and 19 September 1968. The action took place during hours of darkness, in a position of the Company TAOR, approximately five miles south of Da Nang in Quang Nam Province. The patrol engaged portions of a superior enemy force which had assaulted another Combat Patrol from Company H. Private First Class Hingston’s patrol was maneuvering to support the patrol under attack when it encountered the forward elements of a superior enemy force moving in the direction of his patrol to support the assault on the first Patrol. Private First Class Hingston was ordered to cover the patrol leader who went forward to place Claymore Mines in front of the hasty defense, which had been established. During the time the patrol leader was setting up the mines, he was attacked by enemy soldiers. Private First Class Hingston, at the risk of his own life, left the safety of cover to protect his patrol leader. He killed two enemy soldiers at close quarters and was responsible for saving the life of his patrol leader. He also killed several enemies who had assaulted the patrol’s hasty defensive position. With the Claymore Mines deployed, Private First Class Hingston was ordered to set the firing devices and then maneuver with the patrol to counter enemy movement around their position. During a furious fighting at close quarters, he killed several enemy, and the patrol was able to defeat the assault on their position. His bold initiative and timely actions contributed significantly to the defeat of the enemy forces and to the subsequent relief of the other combat patrol. Private First Class Hingston’s courage, aggressive fighting spirit, and steadfast devotion to duty in the face of great personal danger reflected great credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service."
The Combat Distinguishing Device is authorized.

Richard Deinzy
Secretary of the Navy